Author: Susan Grigsby
Illustrator: Nicole Tadgell
Genre: Historical Fiction Picture Book
Target Ages: 5 - 8
Prime Audiences: Children Who Enjoy Nature; Aspiring Gardeners
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Co.
Publication Year: 2010
When the Jesup Agricultural Wagon pulls up one Sunday, Sally's community and classmates at school are privileged to learn about nature from Dr. George Washington Carver. By the end of his visit, the school has its own garden and Sally has the lasting wisdom of the great Dr. Carver.
As soon as you open Susan Grigsby and Nicole Tadgell's In the Garden with Dr. Carver, Tadgell's endpapers grab your eyes and you begin to study the watercolor illustrations and labels of various plants and animals, setting the tone of wonder and curiosity. With Sally and her peers, the reader learns about plants, animals, and the earth itself. The reader also learns about George Washington Carver's influence on agriculture and on the lives of people, supplemented by Grigsby's biographical information about Dr. Carver at the end of the book.
This book will find a great home in an elementary science classroom or on the shelf of an aspiring young gardener!
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