Author: Lester L. Laminack
Illustrator: Chris Soentpiet
Genre: Picture Book
Target Ages: 4-8
Publisher: Peachtree Publishers
Publication Year: 2004
Every Saturday morning a young boy gets on his bike and pedals, his dog close behind him. He pedals past familiar places in his little town until he arrives at a most special place— Mammaw's house! As usual, she's on the porch waiting for him, and they greet each other with waving hands. And after he spends a day with Mammaw helping her with outdoor chores, teacakes are his treat!
Lester L. Laminack and Chris Soentpiet's Saturdays and Teacakes is a narrative that will take readers' hearts and minds down paths of memory back to their own grandmothers' homes— the road that led to her house; her porch on which she sat waiting for loved ones; her kitchen in which she made and shared her delicious wares; and her garden in which she grew her amazing vegetables. Soentpiet's marvelous paintings will make you slow down and take in their details— I especially enjoy the painting of the boy and Mammaw sitting at her table after he first arrives— and Laminack's narrative will remind you of the little things children enjoy about their grandparents and their homes. This is a book that will help readers remember and one that readers will not forget!
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