Author/Illustrator: Patricia Polacco
Genre: Autobiographical Picture Book
Target Ages: 5-8
Prime Audience: Struggling Readers; Anyone Who's Been Positively Impacted by a Great Teacher
Publisher: Philomel Books
Publication Year: 1998
With it being Teacher Appreciation week, I wanted to share a book that honors teachers— Patricia Polacco's autobiographical Thank You, Mr. Falker is an A+ choice!
Polacco shares with readers her journey to literacy, from a family ceremony involving honey and a book, to struggling to keep up with peers, to being teased and bullied, and to finally being able to take part in the adventure of knowledge, thanks to the efforts of her fifth grade teacher Mr. Falker. And as an ultimate honor and show of gratitude, Polacco has written and illustrated a story about the very person who opened up the world of words to her!
Pollaco's struggles and ultimate triumph will touch reader's hearts. And then those readers will think about the those teachers and family members that have helped them in their own journeys of learning and of life— and thank them.
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